Sunday 5 April 2009

La Femme Earrings

It certainly has been a L O N G time since I last updated My Trinket Trove. The reason for this? A little bub's impending arrival! Here's a sneak peak at my growing bump! hehe

But I've not been too slack either, although its definite that my pace of crafting has definitely slowed down thanks in part to pregnancy hormones that seem to sap most of my energy. Also, priorities and spare time have definitely shifted to getting ready for the little one's arrival (there really is so much to prepare!).

So here's a few pieces that I've done up so far, pretty feminine ones. Long overdue for posting and I'm finally getting around to doing that before I go on maternity leave very soon!
See you all in a couple of months, once I've adjusted to mommy-hood!

1 comment:

oceanskies79 said...

Have a good maternity leave. :)